We keep busy at Outdoor School! From the moment we rise to the moment we rest our heads on pillows we are actively engaged in learning, food, friends and fun! We cannot wait for your child to arrive and settle in. Check out these EXAMPLES of scheduling for our residential programs.

3 Day Schedule

7:00 Good Morning!

7:45 Group Gathering

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Morning Field Study

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Afternoon Field Study

4:00 Recreation

5:45 Group Gathering

6:00 Dinner

7:00 Teacher Time

8:00 Campfire

9:30 Lights Out

5 Day Schedule

7:00 Good Morning!

7:25 Group Gathering

7:40 Breakfast

8:45 Morning Field Study

12:15 Lunch

1:40 Afternoon Field Study

4:10 Recreation

5:30 Group Gathering

5:40 Dinner

7:00 Teacher Time

8:00 Campfire

9:30 Lights Out