Get Excited

Outdoor School is FUN. It is an experience that your child will remember for years to come. Your child will be practicing responsibility, time management, self regulation, positive problem solving and independence while at Outdoor School. And they’ll be doing it right alongside their peers with encouragement and guidance from WOODS staff members and their teachers. Lessons are outdoors and interactive. Campfires each night allow for group bonding, singing and all around good vibes. Meals are nutritious and delicious. Getting excited is the first step when addressing anxieties about going to Outdoor School.

Practice Staying away from home

If your child has never stayed overnight away from home, consider scheduling some opportunities prior to ODS so that your child feels more comfortable with the idea of it. There are about 8-10 students per cabin and your child will never be without adult supervision, other students or alone. By the end of the busy day, many children are ready to hit the pillows for a good night’s rest. Many children who have anxiety about overnight stay at Outdoor School feel empowered by the end of the week.

Attend informatioN meetings

Knowledge is power! The best way to address concerns about sending your child to Outdoor School is to get more information. Many schools schedule parent information meetings where lots of great information about the ODS experience is shared. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions and in some cases volunteer to help out during the week of Outdoor School.