Overnight Training Session
If you have been selected for Forest Camp and/or Philomath ODS, we have a mandatory overnight training at Camp Tadmor March 8-9, 2025. Please fill out the registration form and submit to WOODS by Friday, February 28th.
All overnight training retreat participants must have a parent/guardian submit this form electronically to westernoregonods@gmail.com prior to attending the training retreat. Please complete and return to WOODS by Friday, February 28th.
Eligibility verification Form
All high school student participants must complete an Eligibility Verification Form and return to Western Oregon ODS by the designated deadline. It is ideal for this form to be completed electronically and sent to westernoregonods@gmail.com. However, we will accept paper versions (contact us for instructions on how to submit).
Medical Form
All staff members must fill out a medical form for the onsite medical staff. Please complete the form and submit to WOODS.