The Welcome Song

We welcome you to Outdoor School, we’re mighty glad you’re here!

We’ll send the air reverberating with a mighty cheer.

We’ll sing you in, we’ll sing you out - to you we’ll raise a might SHOUT!

Hail, Hail, the gang’s all here - WELCOME TO OUTDOOR SCHOOL!

Introducing Your Outdoor School Tool Kit


BACKPACK - Being prepared is an Outdoor School must! All the tools you will need for every lesson in your Field Journal is included.

OUTDOOR SCHOOL FIELD JOURNAL - This field journal holds information, resources and all of your Outdoor School field study activities. You will need it each day of Outdoor School.

HAND LENS - Your first field study activity is an introduction to the hand lens. You might be surprised how mighty this tool can be.

PENCIL BAG - In this canvas bag you will find a pencil, sharpener, eraser, ruler, timer, specimen viewing cup, and Leave No Trace cards.

FIRST AID KIT - This simple first aid tin has a few items that you might need when out exploring and learning.

WOODCOOKIE - This is your name tag for Outdoor School. You get to put your name on it, decorate it and make a safe way to hang it around your neck. You will be required to wear your woodcookie during all Outdoor School meetings.

SHARPIES - Use your sharpies to decorate your woodcookie or complete your Story Rocks field study activity if you wish.

COLORED PENCILS - You may need these to add detail to your field journaling.

WEIRD ORGANISM BAG - The item in this bag will be your introduction to one of your field study activities. There is a lot to learn about this item!

ROCK BAG - This is the start of your story rock collection! You will find out more during one of your field study activities.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you find that you need extra or supplemental materials or resources, please let us know! Send an email to:

Opportunities to Share

Some of your field study activities invite you to submit photos or examples of your field journal pages or Outdoor School projects. To do that, email them to If your photos are selected, we will feature them here:

“The WONDER Wall”